COVID-19 blues? Head to the NSW Outback.


Coronavirus has completely shut the world down and many people are disappointed that their international travel plans have been cancelled. However, we sometimes forget what our own backyard has to offer and now with intra-state travel in NSW allowed, now is the perfect time to explore.

I had such grand plans for 2020, including a trip to Africa and returning to Australia to do a big lap! But as COVID-19 hit and my trip to Africa was cancelled, I was devastated but thought “hey, there is still Australia to explore, right?” Then as we all know, even our own Australian state borders began to shut down as well and I felt trapped with no where to go. There were a dark couple of months there where the only travelling I was doing were the aisles of Woolworths, but now Australia seems to be coming out the other side of the coronavirus pandemic and we were officially allowed intra-state travel within NSW as of June 1st.

So, on June 3rd we packed the car and did a week in outback NSW! We visited some pretty unique places and to be honest, I don’t think we would have visited them if we weren’t restricted to just NSW travel. I have always prioritised SA or WA for Australian travel, and (stupidly) never really thought much of what my own home state had to offer as a lot of my previous NSW travel has been along the coast, but never inland.

I was absolutely blown away with the places we visited and the people we met. I would strongly urge you all to go visit these country towns (especially as they recover form the devastating drought last year) and increase their tourism dollars!

Click here for the map of our journey (using Cobar as our base point).

Click on the links below for details on each day of our itinerary!

Day 1: Menindee

Day 2: Broken Hill

Day 3: Silverton

Day 4: White Cliffs

Day 5 & 6: Tilpa


Menindee: The Town of Great Lakes